

Define and measure behaviors that align with your company's core values, while ditching yearly reviews in the process.

Track is a team management application designed to automate and standardize employee feedback, aligning behaviors with company core values. By providing regular, documented feedback and action steps, it eliminates the need for yearly reviews, ensuring consistent and accessible performance evaluations across the organization. This tool is ideal for companies aiming to streamline and enhance their employee review process.

Key Contributions

Developed a comprehensive team management solution that streamlines employee feedback and performance review processes, eliminating the need for annual reviews and thrilling the client with the MVP.

  • Engineered critical frontend components and views using React and TypeScript
  • Implemented Storybook to enhance component documentation and testing
  • Assisted in designing wireframes and information architecture, improving overall user experience
  • Integrated GraphQL for efficient data querying and manipulation
Challenges Overcome
  • Delivered highly readable, scalable, and maintainable code for seamless client handover
  • Created a consistent and standardized employee feedback system, revolutionizing the review process
  • Developed an electronic documentation system for all feedback, accessible across platforms
  • Implemented a robust tracking system for edits and updates to employee records
  • Delivered an MVP that exceeded client expectations
  • Revolutionized the client's employee review process, eliminating annual reviews
  • Frontend Engineer
  • Product Designer
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Scss
  • Storybook
  • GraphQL
Key Features
  • Automated and standardized employee feedback system
  • Electronic, easily accessible documentation of all reviews and feedback
  • Edit and update tracking for complete transparency
desktop design view
desktop design view
desktop design view
desktop design view
desktop design view
desktop design view
desktop design view
desktop design view
mobile design view
mobile design view
mobile design view
mobile design view
mobile design view
mobile design view

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